
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I made hot rolls today for the first time. They are pretty good I think. I'm sure I'll improve with time. I always forget about breads when they are rising, oops.

Tonight when it was bathtime Molly went to the bathroom first. Then as soon as I hopped her off the pot and put her in the tub she said she had to go potty again. I thought that was weird and pretty much told her, "um, I don't think you do, you just went." She insisted she did but I didn't get her out of the tub and she didn't pee in the tub so I guess she didn't. Then when Cory was taking her upstairs for bed at 9 she came scooting back down the stairs and hopped up in my lap and said it burned like fire when she peed. Great. So that explains the weird need to pee right after she went. So...we threw coats on and headed to after hours care, because I know UTIs come fast and furious in little kids. She's never had one before and I hope this doesn't start a trend.

So there was nobody at the doc's office and we got right in (hurray!) She talked the doctor's ear off and the doc commented on how well she talked and what a big vocabulary she had for a three year old. The doctor said that her urine sample did have some white blood cells in it so it looked like she had the beginnings of a UTI. Molly being...well, Molly said "hey, you know what white blood cells do??" the doc glanced sideways at us like, uhhh, and said "what?" Molly, very excitedly, because she loves to talk about human body things, said "they suck up all the germs!" I've never seen someone's jaw drop like that, it was hilarious. She was so surprised that Molly knew that. She said she thought we'd be seeing her on the news soon, haha.

So when stopped at Walgreen's and filled her prescription for amoxicillin. Funny, it smells exactly the same as I remember it smelling when I was little.

The weather has deteriorated. It's sleeting and the roads are getting slick. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 17 which is REALLY cold for Oklahoma. The low tomorrow night is supposed to be 1. Just 1. Not 2, but 1. That's crazy.

Here are the pics for today. First pic of Molly after we got home from our late night doctor visit. She's munching on a roll because she swore she was starving.

Second is the chaos that has overtaken our office/playroom since I've been madly trying to de-clutter (de-crap really). I've been trying to consolidate two bookcases into one bookcase. I'm putting away all my school stuff and getting rid of a few books. It's kind of terrible to get rid of books, I'm a big book lover, but we have SOOO many books for Molly and some she's outgrown, like boardbooks. So I went through her boardbooks and kept ten of my (and her) favorites and Goodwill-ed the rest. I have so much of her stuff that she can't use any more and while I want to save it for a future child on one hand, on the other hand I'm failing miserably at getting pregnant and I can't stand having so much stuff in my house!

A surefire way to get pregnant is to get rid of all the baby stuff, right??

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